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Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior

Awaken the Spiritual warrior in you!

  • 1 hour
  • 15 euros
  • Yogastudio 15

Class description

It is a fixed well-rounded sequence taught in a fast pace and is certainly a “get-in-shape” class. It is as well an amazing way to free your mind, connect with your inner Self and awaken the Spiritual warrior in you! Each class starts with a unique warm-up to Jivamukti method called "Magic 10" and continues with intention setting, vinyasa sun salutations followed by several asanas hold for several breaths. At the end of the class, you will have a short meditation practice just before final relaxation. This class, because of its fast pace and limit time to explain each asana, is best suited for intermediate and advanced practitioners and busy individuals who only have 1 hour to practice and still want the benefits of a complete yoga practice!

Upcoming Sessions

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