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Jivamukti Yoga BASIC Course (2x3h)

Ideal to start or (re)start with yoga, discover the Jivamukti method or for alignment lovers!

95 euros

Available spots

Class description

The best course to learn step-by-step a wide range of asanas, proper alignment, possible variations and other yoga essential elements so that you feel confident to enjoy more regular and fast-paced yoga classes afterwards. This "Yoga fundamentals course" is organized in two workshops of 3 hours each. > Workshop PART ONE (3h) covers standing asanas and forward bendings asanas, introduction to yoga philosophy, introduction to meditation principles, simple sun salutations and simple breathing techniques (pranayama). > WORKSHOP PART TWO (3h) covers back bendings, inversions, introduction to vinyasa, pranayama practice, introduction to mantras chanting. This course is limited to 8 participants to make sure each attendees gets quality time with the teacher to answer questions, check proper alignment and try variations.

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